Two older white women laughing together, one wearing a burgundy cardigan the other with glasses and a black and yellow pattern top

Patient and parent pathways

Getting a diagnosis for gut problems is not always easy. But you’re not alone.

This information gives you a step-by-step guide to help you understand how to get a diagnosis.

Pathway for adults

If you have gut problems or problems with your poo, then it’s important that you get the right diagnosis.

Your GP may suggest that you have several tests, examinations or investigations.

For some people, getting a diagnosis while dealing with painful, embarrassing symptoms can make them feel anxious.

We hope that this information will help you understand your pathway to getting a diagnosis and make things seem less overwhelming.

Please note that our supporting information below currently only applies to adults trying to get a diagnosis for gut problems.
A cropped woman's torso showing her hands using a laptop at a desk in a casual setting

Supporting Information for Adults

We have created this information to guide and support you alongside your diagnosis journey.
Understanding Your Symptoms
Your GP Appointment
What could it be?
Tests and investigations
Your Diagnosis
Useful Resources

Pathway for parents

If your child has gut problems or problems with their poo, then it’s important that they get the right diagnosis. Their GP may suggest several tests, examinations or investigations.

For some children and young adults, getting a diagnosis while dealing with painful, embarrassing symptoms can make them feel anxious.

We hope that this information will help you and your child understand the pathway to getting a diagnosis and make things seem less overwhelming.
Two young black girls sat on a sofa reading a picture book, the older child has her arm around the younger

This information was developed by leading UK charities in partnership with healthcare professional organisations and patients.